Greetings, Friendlings! How are you?!

I am well and lazy and am coming off of a lovely week-long vacation from life and worry. It’s wonderfully refreshing and while the physical aspect of vacation has departed, I am sticking to a regimen of not allowing the mental taste to stray too far from my memory. Wonderous!

I am moving this weekend with two wonderful ladies into an adorable little house that is located in the “hip” part of town. A part of town that will offer no assistance when consulting my desires to shop/eat out/drink and give in to vice. But I must resist, most of the time, and stick to my guns for one week from today I have my first class as a grad student at NKU! Today is my orientation and while I am not looking forward to droning speeches and shitty powerpoint presentations, I am looking forward to getting my books and hitting them moderately hard starting next week.

Summer is winding down, kids. One more week for us Norse and it’s looking like there’s gotta be some good old fashioned fun left in the Ol’ Summer Cannon.  While the beginning of this summer was rough and rocky, the last month or so of it has been on the up and up and I do think we should continue this trend. Wine? Fine dining? Park-day laziness? Films? ROLLERSKATING?

Oh, options.